Thursday, May 20, 2010

what the sun does to your skin?

The sun is important and also dangerous.
Sun is the most popular way of getting vitamin d,
the main way of getting vitamin d is the sun.

The sun also has risks such as ,
skin cancer , when you over expose yourself to the sun
wrinkles , freckles , sun spots , sun burn.
Sun burn is very sore sometimes it's when your skin gets burnt and it goes really raw red and is very painful.
You get sun stroke when you have far too much sun burn.
Pale skins should wear a high factor sun cream in the sun because pale people are most prone to sun stroke.
If you get sun stroke the most important thing is keep your self hydrated .
If you want to releave the pain put lots of after sun on you or have a cold bath.
The sun is great but it has alot of risks! So if you are enjoying the sun do it in a healthy manor!

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